Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, we hope Santa brought you everything you wanted!!

A quick look at how Graham spent his Christmas Day:

And just for fun, a look back at G at Christmas last year - what a difference a year makes!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bar O' Bubbles = Soaking Wet Mommy!!

Graham had a fun, bubbly treat in his bath water today! I picked up a Lush Bubble Bar for him, and he was in heaven!! If you've never tried Lush, it's a fantastic company, full of all sorts of green, earth friendly principles, luscious ingredients and none of the bad-for-you additives. I love that my baby can have a fun, foamy bath without any harsh surfactants or preservatives. And it's economical, one bath bar lasts through 4 or 5 baths, with lots and lots of bubbles, SEE:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Can you hear me now?

Graham has perfected the art of talking on the phone. I have noooooooo idea where he picked up this skill ;-)

Friday, December 4, 2009

One year photo shoot

Last month, we revisited our friends Jessica and Nate over at Mod4. And let me just tell you -- these are THE BEST pictures they've produced yet! We are having such a hard time choosing which ones to order. Any votes or suggestions? Check out their work, their fabulousness speaks for itself! Just click to visit the gallery, the password is: elyse

Happy viewing! Can't wait to hear what you think :-)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hope you like change....

....because we have A LOT of it!!!

The month of November was a crazy one for us. Graham broke Mommy's camera, and Mommy broke Mommy's laptop (both of which I'm happy to report have since been replaced, thus ushering me back into the blogosphere!). Then we got word that our offer on a shortsale house got accepted and we were moving in two weeks. And as if THAT wasn't enough to send our heads spiraling, we were hit with this news:

That's right, Baby #2 is due July 12, 2010. I've said it before and I'll say it again....

Chaos Is Our Normal!