Thursday, February 5, 2009


Six years ago, when I bought my house, I loved that it was an, a "more mature" house. The plaster walls! Original light fixtures! Its "character"! Nowadays, notsomuch love to be had. It's just impossible to keep clean. Granted, the two busy adults, a kid and all the kid "stuff" and a pair of wild animals running through here defintitely contribute to the untidiness. But honestly, it's the 55 years of accumulated dirt and grit that get to me. It's to be expected, but still... aaarrgghhhh. It's enough to make me all angry and fighty most days.

Then one magical day, I thought I'd finally found a solution. Erik and I were watching the DIY channel (which, for those of you who don't know, DIY stands for "Do It long as you have the help of a major television network, their slew of incredible tools and gadgets and a crew of really good looking handy people, and such."), and they suggested placing a Brillo pad on a orbital sander, and cleaning old tile floors with it. Eureka, right? Nope. My mom had a better idea. Enter, the Black and Decker ScumBuster, heretofore known as The.Best.Invention.Ever. It scours! It scrubs! And best of all..... my bathroom floors are no longer a disgusting shade of dark grey.

Yes, I am that big of a dork, and took Before and After shots. But that's only because *someone* woke up from his nap as I was in the middle of cleaning, and when I came back to finish the job, I was amazed at how fantastic it looked. I just HAD to take a picture :-) Unfortunately, there's nothing it can do about the putrid army green tile color, but at least the grout is clean.

So, if I ever give you a Scum Buster as a gift, please know that I am, in no way, implying that your house is dirty, gross or scummy. I'm mearly passing on the Cleaning Fairy's magic wand. Because I big pink puffy heart this thing.

And oh yeah, Mom, I hope you didn't plan on getting your ScumBuster back!!!!

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