Thursday, July 30, 2009

All grows up

When Graham was 3 months old, we started going to a parenting group, organized by Beaumont Hospital. All of the babies in our group were born within a month of each other, and all of us parents were first-timers. The group was really beneficial, bi-weekly topics ranged from feeding to safety to baby learning. Most importantly, it gave all of us the opportunity to vent about, identify with, and get advice for what we were all going through. We had a great group of parents, and friends, and now that our 6 month session is over, I really hope we can manage to keep in touch and continue to meet up - we met some seriously cool parents with equally cool kids!

This first picture was taken 2 weeks into our group meeting, when they were all smooshy babies who couldn't even sit up on their own:
From left to right: Kelsey, Elias, Lily, Graham, Samantha, Jacob, Jack and Anna

And now look at them! This one was take this past Monday, at our last official parenting meeting. Look how big everyone's grown!!

Back row (L to R): Anna, Madelyn, Graham, Jack, Samantha
Front row (L to R): Elias, Kelsey, Jacob, Lily

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Graham's an award-winning supermodel :-) I always knew my boy is the cutest kiddo evah, but this proves it!

Thanks to Mod4 Photographic, they do amazing work and definitely capture my baby at his best, and cutest! We're heading there next week for Graham's nine month pictures (Nine! Months! OMG!!!), I'll be sure to update the ol' blog once we have those pictures too. In the meantime, keep your eyes out for me and G around town, we'll be the ones sportin' the super stylin' bag with the cute baby on it :-)

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Just when I think I can't possibly love this little boy any more....

He goes and does this...

And then, this:

Oh, how I love this kid :-)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


The little monkey's trying to escape!

Tiny Bubbles

"Tiny bubbles (tiny bubbles)
Make me warm all over
With a feeling that I'm gonna
Love you till the end of time"

The Don Ho song may have been about wine and celebrating, but this new detergent makes me just as happy!

Being new to the whole cloth diapering thing, I was pretty intimidated when I saw that I had to have a "special" detergent - no whiteners, no phosphates, blahti blah blah. But then I found Tiny Bubbles - it's made by the same company that makes Graham's Gro Baby diapers. And let me tell you - it's FANTASTIC! It really gets the diapers uber-clean (and let's be honest here, some of them are pretty icky going in to the washing machine, right?!). It smells great, rinses clean, doesn't irritate his delicate baby skin, does the dishes and folds the laundry too (OK, I might have been exagerating slightly on those last two accomplishments. But the rest is factual. I swears!).

But, for all you haters - er, non-cloth-diapering public (hehe), you don't need to feel left out. I would imagine Tiny Bubbles would work wonders on baby clothing, lingerie and delicates, cashmere sweaters(!) - pretty much anything that you want to wash that needs some extra TLC and no detergent build up or residue. So check it out :-) I'm bettin' you'll love it!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Catching up, the lightening round!

Whew, busy month! Sorry for the lack of updates, here's a quick month-in-review:

Graham went up north and saw his Grammy and Grampy

...and the tree planted in his honor

Got a new stroller

Started crawling, and is going everywhere, FAST!
...and getting into EVERYTHING

The lucky boy got some fun new toys (thanks Melissa!)

And gets cuter by the minute!