Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hello, baseball!!

Yesterday was a holiday, of sorts, at our house. Baseball's here! Finally!!! Spring training is underway, which means warm weather, hot dogs and BEER are just around the corner!!! It was also the first (radio) broadcast of a Tigers' game this season.

The Tigers won their first Grapefruit League game, beating the Atlanta Braves 5-4. Hopefully, it's a trend that will continue well into the actual season.

Here are some pictures of our Little Rookie, celebrating with us yesterday :-)

"What the....???"

"Oh, Ok, I kinda get it...."

"'K, I'm done with this now"

"No, really Mom, I'm done playing. I'm ready for night-night"

"Are you STILL taking pictures, woman?!?"

"Ahhhhh, much better!"


  1. Seriously!!!!!!!!! Could he get any cuter??!!!
    Picture 1 is hilarious and picture 5 is sweet....they are all too cute though!

  2. I know this will surprise you but Grayden has the same outfit as Graham does in the last pictures. =)
