Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Space Filler

Ok, in all fairness, this post really should be titled: Mommy Is A Total Slacker And Would Forget Her Head If It Wasn't Attached To Her Shoulders

Because, it's not that we DON'T have updates. We do, we've had lots and lots of fun over the last week. It's just that I ("Mommy"), in all my hurried unpreparedness, didn't think to bring along a camera on any of our adventurs. Not once, not twice, but four or five times over this long weekend. So while we had *plenty* of fun photo ops worthy of preserving on film, my dumbass didn't have a camera. So yeah. You just get to read a whole bunch of blahbity-blah-blah about our Labor Day weekend instead. Fun, no?

Over this weekend, Graham made his first pilgrimage to Mommy's Mecca - Birch Run! We had lots and lots of fun dreaming of all the ways we could spend Daddy's money. But we were good, we have lots of stuff to save our pennies for. Then we went to Frankenmuth to have some chicken and potatoes and beer with Oma and Opa. A great time was had by everyone, and Graham was really enjoying his chicken and mashed potatoes! He even had some ice cream, thanks to his Oma.

On Labor Day, we went over to Franklin Village, to visit the Franklin Cider Mill. Graham had his first taste of apple cider and donuts - one of Mommy's favorites! Needless to say, they were both a hit with the little guy. Graham also started feeding himself off of his highchair tray - FINALLY! He was stuffing pancakes, chicken and grilled cheese into his mouth by the end of this weekend. He's been a little slow at the whole self-feeding thing, and it's really nice to be able to actually enjoy my dinner while he feeds himself next to me

--> Editing the blog to upload some pictures I have on my iPhone (big shout-out to my honey, who bought it for me! Thanks darlin', I love you!!!!!), of Graham during his first trip to the park. And please note the long pants, windbreaker AND socks he was sportin' in the middle of freaking SUMMER! That's Michigan for ya....

And visiting with his Aunt Jamie

1 comment:

  1. Cute! He is getting so big! Looks like he loved the park! It stinks when you forget your camera, even worse when you record over BIG things like ultrasounds, Pre K graduation, etc.! Give the little G man a hug for me!
